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Fanfic Author: Ellen Stolfa


Silver Bullets (Part 1) Part one of three; Gargoyles/Hellsing crossover. Vampires turn up in Manhattan, and prove to be more than even the gargoyles can handle. Reinforcements arrive -- and the Wyvern clan and their allies find themselves wondering which is worse, the disease or the cure. Rated a strong R for profanity, sexual situations, and -- as those familiar with the Hellsing manga/anime might expect -- violence.
2005-07-24 No Votes! Rated: R
This story contains:
     Excessive Violence
     Sexual Content
This story has already been read 3920 times.
Silver Bullets (Part 2) Part two of three; Gargoyles/Hellsing crossover. Vampires turn up in Manhattan, and prove to be more than even the gargoyles can handle. Reinforcements arrive -- and the Wyvern clan and their allies find themselves wondering which is worse, the disease or the cure. Rated a strong R for profanity, sexual situations, and -- as those familiar with the Hellsing manga/anime might expect -- violence.
2005-07-24 No Votes! Rated: R
This story contains:
     Excessive Violence
     Sexual Content
This story has already been read 1915 times.
Silver Bullets (Part 3) Part three of three; Gargoyles/Hellsing crossover. Vampires turn up in Manhattan, and prove to be more than even the gargoyles can handle. Reinforcements arrive -- and the Wyvern clan and their allies find themselves wondering which is worse, the disease or the cure. Rated a strong R for profanity, sexual situations, and -- as those familiar with the Hellsing manga/anime might expect -- violence.
2005-07-24 No Votes! Rated: R
This story contains:
     Excessive Violence
     Sexual Content
This story has already been read 1570 times.
Dragonsbane The setting: Elisa’s apartment, late on a quiet night. The menu: Fresh strawberries for two, with a dipping sauce flavored with a sweet herb from Diane Maza’s garden. The results: Nowhere near what Elisa had in mind, and a new appreciation on her part of the differences between humans and gargoyles. Rated a soft R for adult humor and a small amount of strong language.
2005-01-26 No Votes! Rated: R
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This story has already been read 1419 times.
Community Outreach The Manhattan gargoyles are quite real, Maria Chavez has discovered, and so is Matt and Elisa’s relationship with them. Being the realist she is, she decides that the best course of action now is to make sure everyone is on the same procedural page. She heads off to the Eyrie Building with no idea what to expect -- she’s met with neighborhood watch groups before, but this one’s a doozy. In the meantime, Nashville is growing increasingly unhappy that he has no playmates his age. Then a solution appears...
2004-09-29 No Votes! Rated: PG
Story should be suitable for minors.
This story has already been read 1038 times.
Consequences I: The Zero-Sum Game After the others depart and the door to Elisa’s hospital room closes, Elisa and Goliath are left to ponder the ultimate limitation of their love. The first in a series of five short stories addressing the repercussions of the events of "A Kris Most Loyal."
2003-11-24 No Votes! Rated: PG
Story should be suitable for minors.
This story has already been read 1758 times.
Consequences II: Welcome Home They’ve been apart for a month. Now, Elisa’s out of the hospital, and she and Goliath finally have some time alone together. Will she obey her doctor’s order to take it easy? This one’s strictly PWP, and for mature readers only. The second in a series of five short stories addressing the repercussions of the events of "A Kris Most Loyal."
2003-11-24 No Votes! Rated: NC-17
This story contains:
     Sexual Content
This story is only available
in the adult section.

This story has already been read 2383 times.
Consequences III: Vale of Tears After the events at the castle, it was inevitable that Elisa would face Jason Canmore in one of the most difficult encounters of her life. Sometimes resolutions are impossible, and the best we can do is to cope. The third in a series of five short stories addressing the repercussions of the events of "A Kris Most Loyal."
2003-11-24 No Votes! Rated: PG
Story should be suitable for minors.
This story has already been read 939 times.
Consequences IV: Ox Tail Soup Maria Chavez has seen a lot in her day, but even she was amazed at the scene in Elisa’s hospital room when Goliath came to call. Now she wants to check up on Elisa’s welfare -- and find out more about her friends. The fourth in a series of five short stories addressing the repercussions of the events of "A Kris Most Loyal." Rated PG-13 for small amounts of profanity and mildly adult situations.
2003-11-24 No Votes! Rated: PG-13
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This story has already been read 1497 times.
Consequences V: The Time It Takes Elisa wasn’t the only one seriously wounded by John Castaway. With help from his friends, Matt negotiates his own tortuous route of healing. The fifth in a series of five short stories addressing the repercussions of the events of "A Kris Most Loyal." Rated PG-13 for small amounts of profanity.
2003-11-24 No Votes! Rated: PG-13
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This story has already been read 697 times.
The Eleventh I’m stepping outside of my regular-universe timeline here and posting a short story that I simply felt a need to write. Set on the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks and told largely in flashbacks, this story finds Elisa and Goliath as just two people adrift in the sea of the thousands upon thousands of those profoundly affected. It's rated "R" for mature content, but make no mistake; this is a serious treatment of a serious subject.
2003-09-11 Rated: R
This story contains:
     Sexual Content
This story has already been read 2205 times.
A Kris Most Loyal (The kris — pronounced “crease” — is a wavy-bladed dagger indigenous to Indonesia and surrounding areas.) Shortly after John Castaway is spotted in London, anonymous snipers begin shooting at the gargoyles as they glide over Manhattan on their patrols. Coincidence? Not likely. But when Elisa becomes overzealous in her pursuit of the snipers, Captain Chavez orders a forced vacation for her. Elisa turns to Bianca for help, and the international search for Castaway is on. In the meantime, Matt’s Gargoyle Task Force work swings into high gear. He has a new boss, a new partner — and a new sweetheart. Can his new love help in the hunt for Castaway? And what is Goliath discovering as he spies on two of the snipers? Please note: This story contains violence and mature themes, as well as mild same-gender (m/m) sexuality.
2003-05-16 Rated: R
This story contains:
     Excessive Violence
     Sexual Content
This story has already been read 2818 times.
Eight Ball This short story is for mature readers only. Unless its length disqualifies it, this is my entry in Princess Alexandria’s Spring 2003 Challenge, probably in the category of Most Erotic. Once upon a Valentine’s Night, Elisa takes it upon herself to instruct Goliath in pocket billiards, and learns a thing or two about true gamesmanship in the process. It’s entirely incidental to my little universe, so if you don't read it, you’re not missing anything. No plot, no substance, no redeeming literary value whatsoever—and no losers in this very friendly game of eight ball.
2003-02-15 Rated: NC-17
This story contains:
     Sexual Content
This story is only available
in the adult section.

This story has already been read 1953 times.
The Red Silk Thread It’s winter solstice night, and the gargoyles are celebrating because solstice night is no longer the work marathon it was for them back in Scotland. Goliath goes to fetch Elisa so that she can join the clan for dinner. Upon their return to the castle, they’re astounded to find that Clan Wyvern has grown by three and a half members in Goliath’s absence. This is my take on Brooklyn’s TimeDancer makeover from the viewpoint of his amazed clan members, and on how he met his mate. Rated a conservative R for strong language and some violence.
2002-12-31 Rated: R
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This story has already been read 1384 times.
Merit Probably the most obvious question left unanswered by “The Days After,” the epilogue to the Year After trilogy, was of what happens when Delilah awakens and realizes that she’s *not* on her way to Switzerland. Elisa intends to talk to her – then thinks better of it, given present circumstances. She defers to Fox, who proves to be an excellent choice. This story contains some mature themes; Fox is blunt and candid in her remarks to Delilah.
2002-12-16 Rated: PG-13
This story contains:
This story has already been read 743 times.
Thankful Elisa is the only one of Diane and Peter Maza’s three children who’s able to make it back to the homestead this year for Thanksgiving dinner, and she brings her new boyfriend. The Mazas have met him before, of course, but now things are, well, different. A little good humor and good will can go a long way to smooth things out, though, and the four of them ultimately recognize just how similar they all are. This is a brief, light, and belated bit of fun in celebration of the season. Rated PG for a few impolite remarks elicited by a football referee’s questionable call.
2002-12-16 Rated: PG
This story contains:
This story has already been read 1414 times.
Nocturne in C Sharp Minor This little story is NOT part of the “Year After” trilogy; it’s just a bit of musing on the side. To be honest, I have deliberately limited the appeal of this narrative. Readers who don’t care for classical music will find this story boring. Fans of this musical genre, on the other hand, might enjoy it. This story has as its basic premise the theory that, if Goliath likes Dostoevsky, he’d probably like Prokofiev and Rachmaninoff too. It also theorizes that two hearts that are meant to be together will find ways, in spite of their owners, to bridge the distance separating them, and that music can serve this purpose very effectively.
2002-08-11 Rated: PG
Story should be suitable for minors.
This story has already been read 664 times.
To Live and Die in New York Shortly after the events of "Vows," Elisa takes a few quiet minutes one late afternoon to reflect on the direction her life is taking. Winner, 2002 Awakening Awards, Best Short Story category. (Thank you, MidnightzStorm, Lily, and Jenigoyle.) Rated PG-13 for a very small amount of strong language.
2002-02-20 Rated: PG-13
This story contains:
This story has already been read 1055 times.

Alternate Universe

Sun Wars PLEASE NOTE: THIS STORY IS STRICTLY ALTERNATE-UNIVERSE, AND IS *NOT* PART OF MY REGULAR CONTINUUM. Goliath and Thailog playing beach volleyball? In bright sunshine, yet? And what's Elisa doing over there, standing to one side? Is she a spectator? The referee? The prize? This month's (June) page of the 2004 Gargoyles Calendar features a drawing by Avator (see story for link) that spurred creativity demons the instant I saw it. Let's imagine for a moment "Gargoyles" as a live-action drama. Just what *could* happen after the cameras on the set stop rolling? Rated PG-13 for small amounts of strong language and mildly adult situations.
2004-06-09 No Votes! Rated: PG-13
Story should be suitable for minors.
This story has already been read 709 times.


Sentinel This is an entry in Princess Alexandria’s "Outtakes" challenge. In my opinion, one of the darkest and most disturbing episodes in the entire Gargoyles series was "Sentinel" -- not only for what happened onscreen, but for what likely happened offscreen as well. By the time this episode takes place, Elisa’s feelings for Goliath are strong indeed. How does she cope with the knowledge of what Nokkar’s memory wipe made her do? What happens after the skiff takes the travelers back out to sea, and she’s left effectively alone with her recovering memory? Rated "R" for mature content.
2003-09-08 Rated: R
This story contains:
     Sexual Content
This story has already been read 1221 times.
Eye of the Beholder PLEASE NOTE: THIS STORY CONTAINS MATURE THEMES. This is an entry in Princess Alexandria’s "Outtakes" challenge. We all know that there was a great deal happening in the episode "Eye of the Beholder" in a psychological and emotional regard. These are three scenes that seem likely to have taken place within the span of that story, explored from several very different viewpoints.
2003-08-13 Rated: R
This story contains:
     Sexual Content
This story has already been read 1327 times.

The "Year After" Trilogy

Secrets and Crimes The past comes back to haunt Elisa Maza and Tony Dracon in a disturbing and dangerous way. Now, at a time when she needs them the most, Elisa dares not turn to the gargoyles -- and especially not to Goliath. But there is a price to keeping a secret from a friend. Worse, she and Goliath finally must face the ultimate obstacle in their relationship. Will it prove to be one that even their love can't conquer? Part one of a trilogy covering the year following "Hunter's Moon" and "The Journey." (This story originally appeared in the spring 2002 issue of Avalon Mists.)
2002-03-14 Rated: R
This story contains:
This story has already been read 1625 times.

The "Year After" Trilogy 

Epilogue: The Days After (PLEASE NOTE: THIS STORY CONTAINS MATURE THEMES.) In the hours and days following the events of “Flash Point,” Angela and Demona face off, Elisa and Goliath make up for lost time, Fox assists in an intervention involving Delilah, and various players in the drama contemplate the changes in their world. This epilogue concludes the “Year After” trilogy.
2002-11-12 Rated: R
This story contains:
     Sexual Content
This story has already been read 4995 times.
Flash Point (PLEASE NOTE: THIS STORY CONTAINS MATURE THEMES AND SOME VIOLENCE.) What does it mean to really love someone? What are the implications? The consequences? What does it force us to do? And what sacrifices does true love demand? Elisa isn’t the only one wrestling with these questions and learning to face the answers in this third part of the “Year After” trilogy.
2002-10-06 Rated: R
This story contains:
     Sexual Content
This story has already been read 5245 times.
The Sword of Justice (Chapter One) As they track down the people who aided and abetted Esteban Garcia in December (see “Secrets and Crimes”), Matt and Elisa discover a pattern that points toward Illuminati involvement in the Quarrymen. Then, seemingly out of the blue, the Quarrymen step up their attacks on the gargoyles. Is there a connection? The two detectives team up with the Wyvern clan, as well as Demona, to find some answers. Meanwhile, Elisa puts some serious effort into finding romance within her species -- but is her heart really in it? Part two, chapter one of a trilogy covering the year following “Hunter’s Moon” and “The Journey.”
2002-06-10 Rated: R
This story contains:
This story has already been read 1235 times.
The Sword of Justice (Chapter Three -- Edited) THIS VERSION IS EDITED FOR AN “R” RATING, BUT STILL CONTAINS MATURE THEMES. See synopsis for original version.
2002-06-10 Rated: R
This story contains:
     Sexual Content
This story has already been read 1147 times.
The Sword of Justice (Chapter Three -- Unedited) ORIGINAL, UNCUT VERSION. Help appears from a very unexpected source, but at this point the allies will accept it from whoever can give it. Meanwhile, hacker-deluxe Lexington has found a win-win way to reroute the Quarrymen’s funding. This accelerates the Quarrymen’s attack plans, however, and the ultimate showdown at Castle Wyvern is fast approaching. Fortunately, the clan’s newest ally discovers a significant weakness in the otherwise invincible supporter of the Quarrymen, and homes in on it with devastating accuracy. In the meantime, Elisa begins wondering if her destiny might lie with Jason Canmore -- and Goliath’s with Delilah. As this final chapter of part two of the “Year After” trilogy unfolds, remember: Justice is blind, and her sword cuts both ways.
2002-06-10 Rated: NC-17
This story contains:
     Sexual Content
This story is only available
in the adult section.

This story has already been read 1149 times.
The Sword of Justice (Chapter Two) (PLEASE NOTE: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS MATURE THEMES.) The unlikely trio of Lexington, Demona, and Elisa have identified the source of support for the Quarrymen offensive, and it is cause for concern indeed. Now the allies must find a way to defuse the imminent threat, by uncovering the Quarrymen’s attack plans and by cutting off the huge infusion of cash from their supporter. Could Delilah play a key role in this? Then a new ally appears on the scene. Her mysterious past allows her and Elisa to make an immediate connection. Can she help Elisa see the investigation through as it becomes increasingly difficult -- and personal -- for her? Part two, chapter two of the “Year After” trilogy.
2002-06-10 Rated: R
This story contains:
     Sexual Content
This story has already been read 1363 times.